The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc. 目的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨。
It also hit record lows against the euro and the Swiss franc. 此外,美元兑欧元以及瑞士法郎的比价也都创下新低。
But that is what happened to the Swiss franc on Thursday. 然而在周四,这种情况就发生在了瑞士法郎身上。
The two countries have already taken small financial steps towards one another-a free trade agreement came into force this year, and the countries 'central banks also agreed on Swiss franc and yuan currency swaps in July. 中瑞两国已经采取了小型的金融措施&两国达成的一个金融贸易协定将在今年生效,而两国的央行也于7月份同意了互换瑞士法郎和人民币。
These analysts add that currencies most vulnerable under that scenario include the euro, Swiss franc, yen, Singapore dollar and Thai baht. 这些分析师补充称,在这种情况下,最为脆弱的货币包括欧元、瑞士法郎、日元、新加坡元以及泰铢。
In other words, the Philippine peso is the world's most undervalued currency, the Swiss franc its most overvalued. 换句话说,菲律宾比索是世界上最被低估的货币,瑞士法郎是最被高估的。
"Funding" currencies such as the Swiss franc and Japanese yen rallied strongly against higher yielding currencies such as the Australian and New Zealand dollars and the British pound. 瑞士法郎和日元等“低息”货币兑诸如澳币、新西兰元和英镑之类的高息货币大幅升值。
Those measures have done little to depress demand for the yen, however, especially since the attractiveness of the dollar and the Swiss franc, which like the yen have traditionally been seen as havens by currency investors, has diminished. 然而,这些举措基本上无助于抑制投资者对日元的需求,特别是因为美元和瑞士法郎已经失去了吸引力。美元和瑞郎与日元一样,传统上被外汇投资者视为避险币种。
Until recently the chief beneficiaries of a flight to safety were the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc. 直到最近,从高空到地面的主要受益者是日元和瑞士法郎。
First, close trade links make the Canadian dollar, Australian dollar and Swiss Franc substitutes for the US dollar, Chinese yuan and old deutschemark respectively. 首先,紧密的贸易联系使加拿大元、澳大利亚元和瑞士法郎分别成为美元、人民币和前德国马克的替代品。
The Swiss problem was the suffocating effect on economic activity of the strong Swiss franc. 瑞士当时的问题是,瑞士法郎的坚挺严重抑制了该国的经济活动。
The British pound, Swedish krona, Swiss franc and Canadian dollar are also trading well above their burger benchmark. 英镑,瑞典克朗,瑞士法郎和加拿大元的汇率同样也是高于其汉堡包基准。
The EBU, based on a portfolio of 10 major currencies, is aimed principally at corporate and institutional borrowers who want an alternative to low-yielding currencies such as the yen and the Swiss franc. ebu基于10种主要货币的组合,主要发行对象为希望找到替代日元和瑞士法郎等低收益货币的企业和机构借款者。
That puts pressure on market favourites like the Swiss franc and the yen. 这使市场青睐的货币承受压力,例如瑞士法郎和日元。
The yen and Swiss franc, traditional borrowing currencies, are also rallying. 而传统上作为借入货币的日元和瑞士法郎也在上涨。
His comments follow interventions in currency markets by Brazil, Chile and Peru last week and recent sharp rises in the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc and other currencies amid an exodus of investment from the sluggish economies of the US and Europe. 在曼特加发表上述言论之前,巴西、智利和秘鲁上周均对外汇市场进行了干预,而随着投资大举撤离发展迟缓的美国和欧洲经济体,澳元、瑞士法郎和其他货币最近急剧升值。
The eurozone debt crisis and fears over global growth have been supportive, with investors drawn to the US currency and other havens such as Treasuries and the Swiss franc. 欧元区债务危机以及对全球增长的担忧会对美元起到支撑作用投资者会被吸引到美元以及其它避险资产上,比如美国国债和瑞士法郎。
Although renminbi volumes remain small compared with the US dollar and the euro, it is fast gaining ground on the Canadian dollar and the Swiss franc. 虽然人民币交易量与美元和欧元相比仍很小,但它正在快速赶上加拿大元和瑞士法郎。
Traders confirmed that SNB had been active in the market, selling the Swiss franc against the euro and the dollar. 交易员证实,瑞士央行在市场中一直都很活跃,卖出瑞郎、买进欧元和美元。
It also struck eight-year lows against sterling and the Swiss franc. 日元兑英镑和瑞士法郎也创下8年新低。
Ecu switches the loan regularly between the pound, dollar, Canadian dollar, Swiss Franc and euro based on its macroeconomic views. Ecu会根据对宏观经济形势的判断,有规律地将贷款在英镑、美元、加元、瑞士法郎和欧元之间转换。
Both the yen and Swiss Franc tend to be beneficiaries when investors are in risk aversion mode. 日元和瑞士法郎通常会受益于投资者的避险情绪。
The euro, global equities and non-German government bonds in the eurozone were hit hard by selling since April as investors sought Havens: gold, the dollar, the Swiss franc and US Treasuries. 从4月份开始,投资者纷纷寻找避险天堂(黄金、美元、瑞士法郎和美国国债),欧元、全球股票和欧元区非德国政府债券遭到抛售,受创严重。
Yet the Swiss franc is far more widely used. 然而,瑞士法郎的使用范围都要比人民币广得多。
It might also need, with due respect to the Swiss franc and the Japanese yen, to back its currency with an army and navy. 尽管对瑞郎和日元很尊重,但它可能还需要有陆军和海军来支持其货币。
The SNB's large reserves will increase confidence in the Swiss franc as a hard currency – just as the German mark was supported in the past by the Bundesbank's foreign exchange and gold reserves. 瑞士央行庞大的外汇储备规模,将增强投资者对瑞郎作为硬通货的信心。当初,德国央行的外汇及黄金储备,也为德国马克提供了支撑。
It is now at its lowest against the Swiss franc since the euro was adopted in 1999. 目前,欧元兑瑞士法郎已跌至1999年欧元创立以来的最低水平。